Dance of Light Astrology

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vedic astrology readings

Vedic astrology readings

Gain clarity & purpose

My vedic astrology readings will help you understand your inner self more deeply and provide clarity on your life path.

Benefits of a Vedic Astrology Reading

Examining your natal chart is like breaking down the layers that make up who you are. Your inner spirit or soul has its own unique qualities which can be seen through a vedic astrology reading. During a reading, you can gain not only a deeper understanding of yourself as a Human Being, but also a deeper understanding of yourself as a Divine Being.

natal chart readings

what is a natal chart reading?

A natal chart is essentially a biographical sketch of your overall life. It gives a picture of the individual cosmic energies in place at the time of your birth and shows how those energies change over time and influence the overall context and quality of your life. My purpose in giving an astrology reading is to assist you in realizing the nature of who and what you truly are as a Being of Love, Light and Joy, and to support you in creating the best chance for manifesting your highest potential in life.

Caren created my 1st Vedic astrological reading which was intriguing, educational & impressive. It was so different than anything I’d experienced prior. This was a deepening into my soul’s journey. Caren’s deep compassion for my prior challenges she could read in my chart & her enthusiasm for my now deeper understanding into who I am and paths I’ve taken was a gift for me. I highly recommend working with Caren. Her wisdom, gentleness & intuitive sense shine.

planet 2

Ellen T.

Eagle, ID

Natal Chart Reading

A natal chart reading can give you a tremendous amount of insight into your life, your relationships, and your future. In interpreting a natal chart, a vedic astrologer takes into account the various placements of the planets and their interplay within the signs of the zodiac as well as other constellations beyond the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Vedic astrology is an ancient system of knowledge that uses the positions of the planets and stars to map out a person’s destiny. A natal chart reading can help you to understand your karmic potential, your soul’s purpose, and the areas of your life where you could use some assistance. Whether you’re looking for guidance in your personal or professional life, a vedic astrology reading can provide valuable insights that will help you to make the most of your life.

NOTE:  If you have trouble  finding a time in my calendar that works for your schedule, please fill out the Contact Form at the bottom my Contact page and we will find a time that works for us both.

Solar Return Reading

A Solar Return Reading is given based on the astrological chart calculated to show the exact moment when the transiting Sun returns to the position that it was at the time of your birth. 

A solar return reading can give you further insight as to how your life is likely to unfold during the upcoming year.  It can also be very helpful for giving you an additional understanding of your own true nature and overall purpose in life. 

If you are seeking guidance on your life path, or if you simply want to know more about the deeper parts of yourself, a solar return reading may be right for you.

NOTE:  If you have trouble  finding a time in my calendar that works for your schedule, please fill out the Contact Form at the bottom my Contact page and we will find a time that works for us both.

General Chart Consult & Planetary Transit Reading

During a general chart consult and planetary transit reading, you will receive additional guidance regarding your life’s purpose and direction.  


A planetary transit reading, which is based upon the astrological chart of current planetary positions, can give you further insights as to those areas in your life that are likely to be highlighted during the upcoming weeks and months. 


It is an incredibly valuable service, as it can help you make important decisions about your life and future. Alternatively, if you’re experiencing some challenging times in your personal life, a transit reading can give you some much-needed insight and clarity.

NOTE:  If you have trouble  finding a time in my calendar that works for your schedule, please fill out the Contact Form at the bottom my Contact page and we will find a time that works for us both.

Ready to get started?

This was my first vedic astrology reading and I found it quite fascinating. Many things were in my chart that reflected events in my personal history. And I was especially excited to learn that my chart shows strength in all areas so that in the future, I can look forward to success in relationships, my career and with my health.  I highly recommend working with Caren. She’s kind and very knowledgeable.

testimonial laura