Dance of Light Astrology

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vedic astrologer

I'm a vedic astrologer

for those at a crossroads

Hi I’m Caren and I offer vedic astrology readings that are designed to give you a deeper understanding of yourself as an individual, along with insights into your personality and life’s purpose.  I’ve been offering readings since becoming a certified Vedic Astrologer in 2007.  

What I offer:





Caren Burke vedic astrologer

My story

how i came to be a vedic astrologer

I’m a Stanford University graduate and my first introduction to Vedic Astrology took place about 30 years ago when I was living in Seattle and working in the legal profession. I unexpectedly became a single parent with a responsibility of raising two young children. At that time, I was in great need of advice to help me deal with this great change in my personal life situation. One day, while in the midst of some deep internal processing, I was walking along the path surrounding Green Lake in Seattle, Washington, and I happened to pass by a small office located right next to the lake that had a sign posted on the front entrance advertising vedic astrology readings.

My first reading

At that time, I knew very little about astrology in general, let alone vedic astrology, but I intuitively sensed then that having vedic astrology reading would be very beneficial for me. I immediately decided to schedule an appointment for a reading which turned out to be the best thing I could have done for myself at that time. I came away from that first vedic astrology reading with a much greater perspective and deeper insight into my current life situation. I also received helpful advice that enabled me to move forward in life with more ease, clarity, joy and appreciation for the wonder, beauty, grace and abundance all around me.  The person who gave me that first reading was world-renowned Vedic Astrologer, Dennis Flaherty. I will be forever grateful for his support as he later encouraged me and helped me obtain my certification as a Vedic Astrologer.

The turning point

After that positive first experience with vedic astrology, and after subsequently scheduling several follow-up vedic astrology readings, I decided to begin my own formal study of Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, a Sanskrit word meaning “Science of Light”. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish is a profound and mathematically sophisticated form of astrology originating from the ancient Vedic traditions of India. From all that I’ve learned about Jyotish, I have found that I could study it for lifetimes and never know all that there is to know regarding this science. Over the years, my vedic astrological studies have been greatly enhanced by other ongoing spiritual studies and practices, including yoga and meditation.

Getting certified as a Vedic Astrologer

In 2007, I became officially certified as a vedic astrologer through both the Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA) and the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA). I subsequently began doing informal readings for friends and family members. In 2012, I started to offer more formal vedic astrology readings under my business name, Dance of Light Astrology.

I have also been regularly mentoring with another world-renowned Vedic Astrologer, Robert Koch. Through my connection with Robert and through my own continuing studies, I am learning more and more about this remarkable spiritual science of Vedic Astrology.

Ready to connect and see if a reading is right for you?